Living Vital

People living deeply connected, vital lives with a clear sense of their role and responsibility in the human and more than human world.

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Living Vital is principally focussed on deepening connections with ourselves, each other and the ecosystem to enable us to enjoy a more vital way of life. By building diverse and integrated communities based in a deeper communion with the earth and the natural world we are developing spaces that allow new ideas for positive change.


We are building local capacity and resilience to weather the storms of climate change and humanity’s impact on the earth whilst helping develop a more holistic utilitarianism that looks at the best options for the entire ecosystem. This can provide a more compassionate and ultimately sustainable mindset in which to make the potentially tough decisions climate change is asking us to make.

Our Projects


Common Ground is our flagship organic food growing community project working in partnership with refugees and migrants. We partner with local refugee charity, Voices in Exile, who help the group navigate to the site and act as faciliators and translators for the sessions. Local volunteers assist us in our work and it is a chance to for everyone to make new friends and share stories.

Our Latest Blogs

Seasonal Recipes: Autumn

Autumn is prime time for harvesting and the garden has provided an abundance of food for members to take home. Below is a recipe for…

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